segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

Novidades Star Wars

We've known for a while that the first digital expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be releasing in the spring. Those waiting eagerly for Rise of the Hutt Cartel won't have too much longer to wait, it seems, as the expansion has been put up for testing on the game's public test server. This build includes gear, operations, and flashpoints for characters at the new level cap of 55, as well as the extra abilities and skills you'd expect from an extra five levels.

Notably not included is all of the content from Makeb that would allow players to actually reach level 55, which necessitates the addition of a special NPC to boost player levels and allow corresponding equipment unlocks. Still, if you're looking to take your main characters for a test drive in the post-expansion world, head over to the public test server and start seeing what changes with five more levels under your belt. And even if you'd rather wait for the release, this round of testing means the expansion can't be too far off.

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